Monday, August 4, 2008

Treatments for hormonal acne and top over the counter acne treatment

3. Use non-comedogenic make-up (water-based) to avoid acne aggravation. Comedogenic or oil-based make-up only adds to the oil that your skin is producing and traps more dirt on your face.
• Always use non=comedogenic make-up and lotion if your skin is acne prone.
Philip Swann, of TV technology website, thinks many actors and actresses are terrified at the thought of appearing in high definition. He said: "I get e-mails from actors expressing concern because they are going on shows in high definition. It's not like going on regular TV - it's like being naked." Citing notorious acne sufferer Cameron Diaz as an example, he adds: "You think Cameron Diaz is flawless until you see her in high definition. She looks like a different person."
tags: best way to free acne, can fish oil give you acne, top 10 rated acne medications by dermatologists

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