Monday, August 4, 2008

Black men acne and questino to ask patient about acne

Be careful- A word of caution would be not to try this if you have a real sensitive skin. And also make sure that you don't apply toothpaste to your entire face as that might cause severe irritation and redness all over your face therefore make sure you only apply it in the infected area. Also make sure that you don't apply a tooth paste gel only use a tooth paste specially a while kind. Another thing about the toothpaste remedy is that it's not permanent and the results might not last that long.
If your acne is deeper and more persistent, a treatment needs to be designed to effectively reduce the production of sebum. This is the oil that is believed to be responsible for most acne conditions. This treatment approach would be an effective way of preventing the acne from getting worse and possibly even stopping it altogether. One prescription for achieving this is called isotretinoin (e.g. Accutane), a Vitamin A based treatment. It will only be prescribed by a doctor if the acne is severe and persistent, and is not suitable for anybody with liver problems.
Turmeric has been used for thousands of years for digestive health. It is a natural antibiotic, strengthening and toning the digestive system, while correctly balancing intestinal flora. Clinical studies back up this anecdotal use. If you enjoy curry dishes, surprising enough, go for it! Recipes for Indian dishes containing chicken (a lean protein), green vegetables and turmeric, the main constituent of curry, can be found on every Indian outlet. Turmeric is quite inexpensive, and goes a long way towards combating acne problems.
tags: pregnancy salicylic acid acne, treatment foe acne scar for black people, types of acne scars

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