Monday, August 4, 2008

How to stop picking acne and getting rid of acne tips

If you are not sure what skin care line to try you can either see a dermatologist (who will most likely offer one or two lines in his office) or visit your local reputable Esthetician. A licensed esthetician can analyze your skin through a skin analysis. This is usually performed with a lighted magnifying glass where the skin is studied by the trained eye along with touch. Some may even use a Wood's Lamp - a device that shows damage of the skin through ultraviolet light. The skin care professional will also provide an in depth question and answer session. Through these methods they can determine what your skin needs and if you may have any sensitivity to certain products.
Types of acne treatment products are known to be very effective. With those acne treatment products you should tack acne in the first week. Here are some examples of products that have formula based on peroxide and salicylic acid; the frailest enemies of the bacteria that cause those skin eruptions:
Excessive washing Responding to an outbreak of acne by endless washing will make the acne worse. Washing twice a day is fine. Washing more than that is likely to provoke the sebaceous glands to compensate by producing even more sebum, which will in turn block the pores and cause acne.
tags: best over the counter acne products, best treatment for hormonal acne in adult woman, dry skin

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