Saturday, September 27, 2008

Topical sulfur treatment for acne

« ...Most with some form of acne are told to use astringents because of their drying properties, but these simply dry up excess oil and don't really treat or cure acne at all. While excess oil can and does cause acne, using something as harsh as an astringent on your face all the time will only strip your skin of natural oils and cause it to become overly dry. While an astringent can help in some cases, it's usually better to address any problems you may be causing yourself because of diet or other outside factors....
...-Care should be taken in the use of over the counter Acne medication. Should you choose to treat your skin with OTC Acne medication, make sure you follow all the directions religiously to avoid complications and a possible worsening of the situation....»
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«...Addressing severe cystic acne is usually a bit different than addressing other forms of acne. With most forms of acne a simple topical ointment and good routine of cleaning can keep breakouts to a minimum. With severe cystic acne you may need to see a doctor to get a prescription for antibiotics, which address the bacteria at their source. With an oral antibiotic you are killing bacteria from within and don't need to try and fight it on the surface, which is usually ineffective with severe cystic acne....»
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tags: best acne remedies, home remedy cystic acne, acne pregnancy symptom during what week

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