Saturday, September 27, 2008

Remedy for acne on butt

« ...Mainly during puberty, glands in the face have an unusual chemical reaction which causes lots of sebum which simply catches dirt and oil and dead skin cells causing acne. Because the oils can't get out of the skin then they all gather up together and create a white head (the spots that stick out of the skin). With this in mind a blackhead has the same sort of theory however its the gathering of dead skin cells....
...Oatmeal Remedy: 1/2 cup oatmeal mix with rose water and grind up into paste. Apply on acne skin for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. ...»
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«...While many products will claim to clear your acne overnight, this is generally just hype. For products to work thoroughly and to see a marked improvement, six to nine weeks of consistent use needs to occur....»
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tags: acne skin care product, over the counter acne scar treatments, getting rid of bad acne

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