Sunday, September 28, 2008

Acne face and herpes

« ...It is proven that by removing the toxins in your body, you will be able to prevent and reduce acne effectively. The best ways to detoxify your body include:...
...Many of the treatments that are found at the pharmacy can actually cause more harm. Many of these products will cause your skin to become sensitive to the sun. If you are going to use over the counter chemical products for treating your acne, ensure that you follow the directions and not over use the treatments....»
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«...After the above has been done, the next sould be exfoliating. Use a scrub or facial mask and please, let the product do its work. Don't try to help the product as some people tend to in their zeal cause irritation during this process because they are rough while exfoliating. Just let the product do what it should do. Patience is the key. After exfoliating, you might use a toner to residual dead skin or and or excess cleanser. it is necessary again to use a toner made for your skin type....»
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tags: does smoking cause acne, acne free mixtures, skin types and acne

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